Interface CreateActionPostResponseArgs<TransactionType>

Arguments to create a POST response payload

interface CreateActionPostResponseArgs<TransactionType> {
    actionIdentity?: Signer;
    fields: Omit<ActionPostResponse<ActionType>, "transaction"> & {
        transaction: TransactionType;
    options?: {
        commitment?: Commitment;
    reference?: PublicKey;
    signers?: Signer[];

Type Parameters

  • TransactionType = Transaction | VersionedTransaction


actionIdentity?: Signer

Optional identity keypair used to aid in identifying an Action provider

fields: Omit<ActionPostResponse<ActionType>, "transaction"> & {
    transaction: TransactionType;

POST response fields per the Solana Actions spec.

Type declaration

options?: {
    commitment?: Commitment;

Options for getRecentBlockhash.

reference?: PublicKey

Reference keys to be included in the transaction

signers?: Signer[]

Optional signers that will sign the transaction.